It’s scary isn’t it
It’s scary isn’t it:
As a person of some 25 years plus working within the retail environment, delivering analytics in and derived from primary footfall (store opportunity) data, I am constantly surprised over the investment that goes into delivering and installing store traffic solutions and then the data is ignored by the business. I’m not sure why, I have my suspicions and plain stupidity could be one, laziness another.
But don’t tell me it's resources, because that’s just a copout. This data is too important; buy the resource in if you have to, and act on the findings, but don’t ignore it. And no, you don’t know better, no matter what your gut is telling you.
In my experience; it’s those that act upon the analytics that succeeds where their peers fail.
Having actionable data, such as footfall and traffic information, within a retail environment is only valuable if it is acted upon. Without taking action based on the insights driven from the data, it becomes worthless and a complete waste of any investment. "after all investment should have returns".
A simple example, knowing the number of visitors to a store or the traffic patterns within the store provides valuable information for optimising store layout, staffing, and inventory management.
However, if this data is not utilised to make informed decisions and implement changes, it remains untapped potential.
Taking action on the data allows retailers to adapt and optimise their operations to enhance customer experience, increase sales, and improve overall performance.
[In summary, actionable data has little value if it is not acted upon, as it requires proactive decision-making and implementation to drive meaningful results].
Let’s talk: